Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stast of emperor penguins life

Emperor penguins have a hard life. They start of as eggs handed over to the fathers straight away to look after them as the mother goes off to get food and from then on whether they survive or not is all up to the father’s ability to balance an egg on his feet. If he loses balance of the egg and it gets into the snow the chances of the egg surviving is very slim. The father must protect the egg for 2 months, waiting for his mate to come back standing temperatures of minus 30 degrees and winds as strong as 40 miles per hour. Even though their used to the winds, they still don’t like them so they all huddle together to keep in their body heat and they each take turns at being on the outside of the huddle. For the whole two weeks the penguins have nothing to eat. After the long to weeks the chicks finally start to hatch and the male who hasn’t eaten in 2 months still manages to bring up something for the chicks to eat. This is when the females return from their feeding to take over the chicks. The male then gets to go back to the sea and get food for himself. However if his mate doesn’t return the male leaves the chick and goes hunting while he still can. Its harsh but how it is for emperor penguins.

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