Friday, February 5, 2010

Types of penguins

There are 16 different types of penguins which are then in different groups. These are:Pygoscelis which is chinstrap, adelie and gentoo penguins. These are the black and white penguins from the Antartic that are used for movies like happy feet.They are most commonly found in the higher latitudes of the Antarctic. Gentoo penguins are the most northerly of the three and are on most of the islands. Chinstrap penguins breed further south and adelie penguins are the furthest south then all of the penguins. They are some islands arousnd the Antartic where all three penguins are. Gentoo Penguins come first then Adelies and then Chinstraps.Megadyptes is another group which only has one type of penguin, the yellow-eyed penguin. There found mostly in southern New Zealand. Their called yellow- eyed penguins because of their yellow feathers on their heads.Spheniscus penguins is another group that is African, Galapagos, Magellanic and Humboldt penguins. African penguins are mostly found in southern Africa and are also known as jackass penguins because of their loud braying voice. Galapagos are found right and the equator and are he smallest of the Spheniscus group. Magellanic are like the African penguins but breed on the opposite side of the Atlantic. Humboldt are found between peru and chille.Eudyptes is another group and includes Rockhopper, Macaroni, Fiordland, Erect-crested and Snares penguins. Rockhopper are found in the Atlantic, Macaroni, also known as the royal penguin, are also found in the Antartic. Fiordland are found New Zealand, Erect-crested are found in the Antartic and south america and Snares are found in south New Zealand.Eudyptula are another group and only has one type of penguin. The little penguin. The little penguin is found in Australia and New Zealand and is the smallest of all the penguins.Aptenodytes is another group and includes Emperor and king penguins. They are bothe found in the Antartic. The king penguins breeds for longer then any other bird. The Emperor penguins were the ones seen in March of the penguins.

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